Recent & Forthcoming Work


Electric Lit, Fall 2024

About Place, Strange Wests Issue, Spring 2024

Passages North, Issue 45, Spring 2024

Fence, Winter 2024

Prairie Schooner, Vol 97.2, Summer 2023

jmww, Summer 2023

Epiphany, Issue 30, Summer 2023, Summer 2023

Action, Spectacle, Summer 2023

DIAGRAM, Issue 23.3, Summer 2023

The Common, Winter 2023

Longleaf Review, Wayback Issue, Fall 2022

New South, Fall 2021

Western Humanities Review, Vol 75.1, Spring 2021

FEED, Issue 1.34, Winter 2020


Beloit Poetry Journal, Summer 2024

About Place, Strange Wests Issue, Spring 2024

Driftwood Press Anthology, 2024

Pleiades, Issue 43.2, Fall 2023

Redivider, Issue 21.1, Fall 2023

The Shore, Spring 2022